De nygamla CCI-motorerna från Motiv Engines i USA kommer nu med CGI i blocken
Clarke-Brayton Engine ett motorprojekt som kommit via Caterpillar där uppfinnaren John Clarke jobbade under 24 år.

En fantastik kompression ……………56:1
Som en jämförelse har i snitt en bensinmotor 12:1 och en diesel 18:1 i kompression.
This architecture allows us to achieve a 56:1 compression ratio leading to a 30MPa peak
Our first block has been poured at the foundry – ACTech in Freiberg, Germany. I was tempted to title this post as, “It LIVES!” We have been working on computer models of this complicated part for so long, to finally see a photograph of a real block made of compacted graphite iron instead of 1′s and 0′s is very very exciting.Det var här det började Welocme to Motiv Engines!Posted on August 7, 2009Motiv Engines is a startup with the sole purpose of developing the Compact Compression Ignition (CCI) Engine into a product that will revolutionize transportation and power generation.—————————————————————————————-
Hydraliska ventiler också med tryck som gör CGI till det enda valet för denna USA-firman
The VG models are cast from compacted graphite, a high strength iron alloy that allows the
valve to be rated at 3500 psi