Vem är kunden som byggt en speciell CGI-fabrik i Kina?

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Those vehicles, at least at first, likely are to be built in China. EcoMotors has granted Zhongding Power a license to build diesel versions of the engine. Zhongding is constructing a plant in Anhui Province to produce the engine at an anticipated rate of 150,000 per year.  The first unit is expected to be built in the spring of 2015. Zhongding is also nearing completion of a compacted graphite iron (CGI) foundry to provide blocks for the engine. The facility, Soman said, should be in operation in the last quarter of 2014 and will provide CGI to outside customers as well as to Zhongding’s engine plant. –


Sintercast har ju gått ut med att en icke namngiven kund har fått en Sintercast 3000 Plus-anläggning till  en speciellt designad CGI-fabrik som skulle vara klar i slutet av denna sommaren.

Jämför texten i de lika färgerna. På engelska ser man verkligen likheterna. Lite omkastade ord bara


[Stockholm, 16 January 2014] – One of China’s largest automotive component conglomerates has entered  into a long term technology supply agreement with the Swedish process control specialist SinterCast for the  production of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI) engine components. Under the terms of the agreement,  SinterCast will install a System 3000 Plus process control system at the company’s new purpose-built CGI  foundry in China. SinterCast will also supply the mechanical infrastructure for the cored-wire base treatment  and correction operations and will provide technical support during the installation and start of production.  The System 3000 Plus will be commissioned at the greenfield foundry during the second quarter of 2014.
Series production is expected to begin during 2014, with an initial capacity of approximately 300,000 Engine  Equivalents per year for commercial vehicle, off-road and stationary power engine applications



jämför det med PR från EcoMotors

Xuancheng, Anhui, China and Allen Park, Michigan, April 9, 2013 – Zhongding Power and EcoMotors today announced the closing of a commercial agreement to produce the opoc® engine, a breakthrough technology that has the potential to be the world’s cleanest, most efficient, lightweight, and lowest cost internal combustion engine.  One of the largest automotive component conglomerates in China, Zhongding will finance and construct the first opoc® plant in the Anhui Province.  The plant represents an investment by Zhongding of over US $200 million and will have a capacity of about 150,000 engines per year – over US $1 billion in revenue potential.  High-volume production is expected to begin in 2014

Zhongding plans to supply opoc® engines to a broad range of customers, including GenSet engines, off-road and commercial vehicles.



Rätt klart tycker jag….


Eftersom gjuteriet har dubbel kapacitet mot de initiala behoven av 150.000 blöck så passar det utmärkt med att även FAW får sina block till deras nya fabrik som skall ha en kapacitet på 100.000 block om året. De båda fabrikerna beräknas kosta ca 200 milj US dollar,  STYCK. När FAW går igång gäller det  ”China’s growing commercial automotive and engine market”

CGI är klart i den första serietillverkade OPOC-motorn. VD säger detta klart in 49:44 min i denna intervjun

Jag har en klar känsla av att magnesium som nämns kan bli aktuellt i flygplansvarianter men annars på jordiska applikationer så stannar det vid CGI av tydliga kostnadsskäl. En av fördelarna med denna nya motor är ju att den skall vara billig. Den blir inte billig om den skall gjutas i magnesium. Järn kostar ca 60 öre kilot och ca 10  ggr detta vid färdig CGI mot 18 kr för Mg.-råvaran, sedan skall det gjutas också.  Man har gjort vevaxlarna i titan men det är inte heller billigt med ca 420 kr/kilot för råvaran. Det behövs dock bara hälften så många vevaxlar jämfört med en traditionell motor.